Divisiones con contenido autoadaptable.

Atrás quedaron los días de las páginas en  HTML estática donde teníamos que adaptar nuestro contenido a una estructura fija. Con WordPress, y la ayuda de frameworks como Bootstrap, podemos ubicar el texto, las fotos o videos como lo prefieras.

Esta herramienta ofrece ademas la flexibilidad de contenido autoadaptable. Esto posibilita que la navegación desde cualquier dispositivo sea cómoda, sin que el usuario tenga que estar achicando o agrandando la pantalla para poder visualizar bien el contenido.

Si no estás familiarizado con el concepto de «contenido autoadaptable», achica el ancho de la ventana de tu navegador para ver como este texto se adapta perfectamente.

Además de la conveniencia visual que tiene del contenido autoadaptable, es un factor que los motores de búsqueda como Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc tienen en cuenta a la hora de jerarquizar un resultado de búsqueda. Difícilmente una página sin contenido autoadaptable figure entre lo primeros resultados de la búsqueda en Google.

Para un mejor entendimiento de las divisiones recomendamos ver este contenido desde tu pc y no desde tu teléfono celuar, ya que el contenido es autoadaptable, los valores que ejemplificamos para las columnas perderán concordancia con el tamaño visual. Por ejemplo, una columna de tamaño 1/4 vista desde una PC tomará el valor de ancho completo si se la ve desde un teléfono celular.


Ancho completo, útil para colocar una galería, un slider, un video, o una imagen grande que quieras destacar.


Thoughts are streaming out from my restless mind, like radio waves they slither on the sky, their eco ripples widely as they make their way across the universe. For every thought is energy, I’m building new realities. There’s nothing I cannot become because everything I am.

Thoughts are streaming out from my restless mind, like radio waves they slither on the sky, their eco ripples widely as they make their way across the universe. For every thought is energy, I’m building new realities. There’s nothing I cannot become because everything I am.

Thoughts are streaming out from my restless mind, like radio waves they slither on the sky, their eco ripples widely as they make their way across the universe. For every thought is energy, I’m building new realities. There’s nothing I cannot become because everything I am.


Thoughts are streaming out from my restless mind, like radio waves they slither on the sky, their eco ripples widely as they make their way across the universe. For every thought is energy, I’m building new realities. There’s nothing I cannot become because everything I am.

Thoughts are streaming out from my restless mind, like radio waves they slither on the sky, their eco ripples widely as they make their way across the universe. For every thought is energy, I’m building new realities. There’s nothing I cannot become because everything I am.

Thoughts are streaming out from my restless mind, like radio waves they slither on the sky, their eco ripples widely as they make their way across the universe. For every thought is energy, I’m building new realities. There’s nothing I cannot become because everything I am.


Thoughts are streaming out from my restless mind, like radio waves they slither on the sky, their eco ripples widely as they make their way across the universe. For every thought is energy, I’m building new realities. There’s nothing I cannot become because everything I am.

Thoughts are streaming out from my restless mind, like radio waves they slither on the sky, their eco ripples widely as they make their way across the universe. For every thought is energy, I’m building new realities. There’s nothing I cannot become because everything I am.


Thoughts are streaming out from my restless mind, like radio waves they slither on the sky, their eco ripples widely as they make their way across the universe. For every thought is energy, I’m building new realities. There’s nothing I cannot become because everything I am.

Thoughts are streaming out from my restless mind, like radio waves they slither on the sky, their eco ripples widely as they make their way across the universe. For every thought is energy, I’m building new realities. There’s nothing I cannot become because everything I am.


Thoughts are streaming out from my restless mind, like radio waves they slither on the sky, their eco ripples widely as they make their way across the universe. For every thought is energy, I’m building new realities. There’s nothing I cannot become because everything I am.

Thoughts are streaming out from my restless mind, like radio waves they slither on the sky, their eco ripples widely as they make their way across the universe. For every thought is energy, I’m building new realities. There’s nothing I cannot become because everything I am.


Thoughts are streaming out from my restless mind, like radio waves they slither on the sky, their eco ripples widely as they make their way across the universe. For every thought is energy, I’m building new realities. There’s nothing I cannot become because everything I am.


Thoughts are streaming out from my restless mind, like radio waves they slither on the sky, their eco ripples widely as they make their way across the universe. For every thought is energy, I’m building new realities. There’s nothing I cannot become because everything I am.


Thoughts are streaming out from my restless mind, like radio waves they slither on the sky, their eco ripples widely as they make their way across the universe. For every thought is energy, I’m building new realities. There’s nothing I cannot become because everything I am.


Thoughts are streaming out from my restless mind, like radio waves they slither on the sky, their eco ripples widely as they make their way across the universe. For every thought is energy, I’m building new realities. There’s nothing I cannot become because everything I am.


Thoughts are streaming out from my restless mind, like radio waves they slither on the sky, their eco ripples widely as they make their way across the universe. For every thought is energy, I’m building new realities. There’s nothing I cannot become because everything I am.


Thoughts are streaming out from my restless mind, like radio waves they slither on the sky, their eco ripples widely as they make their way across the universe. For every thought is energy, I’m building new realities. There’s nothing I cannot become because everything I am.


Thoughts are streaming out from my restless mind, like radio waves they slither on the sky, their eco ripples widely as they make their way across the universe. For every thought is energy, I’m building new realities. There’s nothing I cannot become because everything I am.


Thoughts are streaming out from my restless mind, like radio waves they slither on the sky, their eco ripples widely as they make their way across the universe. For every thought is energy, I’m building new realities. There’s nothing I cannot become because everything I am.


Thoughts are streaming out from my restless mind, like radio waves they slither on the sky, their eco ripples widely as they make their way across the universe. For every thought is energy, I’m building new realities. There’s nothing I cannot become because everything I am.


Thoughts are streaming out from my restless mind, like radio waves they slither on the sky, their eco ripples widely as they make their way across the universe. For every thought is energy, I’m building new realities. There’s nothing I cannot become because everything I am.

Teniendo en cuenta los ejemplo de arriba, se puede hacer cualquier combinación, por ejemplo, «1/6 + 2/6 + 3/6», o «1/3 + 2/3», etc. Además se pueden poner columnas dentro de otras columnas y crear nuevas divisiones con anchos especiales.


Thoughts are streaming out from my restless mind, like radio waves they slither on the sky, their eco ripples widely as they make their way across the universe. For every thought is energy, I’m building new realities. There’s nothing I cannot become because everything I am.


Piel perfecta

Thoughts are streaming out from my restless mind, like radio waves they slither on the sky, their eco ripples widely as they make their way across the universe.


Thoughts are streaming out from my restless mind, like radio waves they slither on the sky, their eco ripples widely as they make their way across the universe. For every thought is energy, I’m building new realities. There’s nothing I cannot become because everything I am.

Thoughts are streaming out from my restless mind, like radio waves they slither on the sky, their eco ripples widely as they make their way across the universe. For every thought is energy, I’m building new realities. There’s nothing I cannot become because everything I am.

Thoughts are streaming out from my restless mind, like radio waves they slither on the sky, their eco ripples widely as they make their way across the universe. For every thought is energy, I’m building new realities. There’s nothing I cannot become because everything I am.